学生に薦める本 2016年版
小林 伊織
『The other tongue』
- Braj. B. Kachru University of Illinois Press c1992.9
This seminal book edited by the “father of World Englishes” is where it all started. Thanks to his contributions, as well as those of Larry E. Smith, we know that English is “our language”, not just “theirs”.
『Asian Englishes: Beyond the canon』
- Braj B. Kachru Hong Kong Univ Pr 2005.6
English is an Asian language. Are we Asians? If so, it is our language as well. People in Asia are not learning English in order to become like so-called native speakers of it, but are “functionally native” themselves.
『English as a lingua franca: Attitude and Identity』
- Jennifer Jenkins Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press 2007.7
There are more non-native speakers of English in the world than there are native speakers. The main purpose for which people learn English is to communicate with other non-native speakers. Under these circumstances, it is inappropriate to present a native variety as the target model for teaching.
- 本名信行 冨山房インターナショナル 2013.5
英語が国際言語になったということは、イギリスやアメリカの英語がそのままの形で世界に広まったということではなく、世界の人々が自分たちの目的に合うように英語を変えた、ということです。日本人は、ネイティブの猿真似をするのではなく、Japanese Englishで堂々と世界に地元の情報を発信するべきです。
- 末延岑生著 平凡社 2010.7
『インド英語のリスニングCD Book』
- 榎木薗鉄也著 研究社 2012.9